Sexual & Reproductive Health Services in Egypt

Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Egypt

Where can you obtain Sexual & Reproductive Health services?

Primary Health Care centers (PHCs), Integrated in hospital services, and in Youth Centers, in rural and urban areas.

Operating days and Hours

Working days (Saturday to Thursday) from 9 am to 2 pm.

Service Cost

You can choose between: free services, paid service, or public health insurance services.

For Whom?

Males and females, from 10: 24 years old.

Refugees and People with disabilities can obtain the services.

What are the different available types of SRH services?

General gynecological exams/complains (such as menstrual problems & hygiene)

Management & prevention of STIs, including vaginal infection/mycosis & urinary tract infection (for young males)

Management of puberty-related disorders/concerns

Management of pregnancies (Pre- & post-natal care),

Only post abortion complications' management is provided;

Provision of contraception, including emergency contraception & Condom promotion;

Listening and counseling for STDs.