Lazord Fellowship

Youth Employment
  • Egypt

  • Jordan

  • Tunisia

Organization Link Link

This is Mallak from Jordan, I have been through a one-year fellowship with The Lazord Foundation where it supports the design, implementation, and development of my experiential and educational programs as young professionals in the Arab and Mediterranean region.

 Through the full year I gained:


The fellow is placed for one year in a locally-based organization working on projects pertaining to the improvement of the common good.


In Lazord, they believe the learning experience is a journey that should not only include knowledge and skills but a comprehensive understanding of central thematic critical to the success of a professional in the change-making industry.


The mentoring component of the fellowship sits at the crossroad between coaching and professional counseling. Fellows meet monthly with their mentors, selected for both their expertise and capacity for digging out the potential in young passionate professionals.


I deeply encourage the young professional leaders,  who are recently graduated from Egypt, Jordan, and Tunis and who want to be placed in NGO field and looking to have an impact in their community to apply for this fellowship.