YEM Knowledge Platform

Soft Skills

Youth Employment in the Mediterranean (YEM) is a three-year regional initiative (2018 - 2020) led by UNESCO and funded by the European Union, extended until July 2021. The project targets countries in the South Mediterranean region with the aim to support youth employment through improved skills anticipation and assessment systems, and through the promotion of quality and relevant TVET and regional collaboration.

What the YEM Knowledge Platform offers?

       TVET Country Profiles: Access concise, reliable and up-to-date information on TVET systems in the YEM Project countries, and also across the world through the UNESCO-UNEVOC World TVET Database.

     Knowledge Resources: Access the knowledge resources developed as part of the YEM Project, as well as relevant publications and resources from UNESCO and other project partners.

        Community of Practice: Engage with key experts and TVET stakeholders from the region and beyond and learn more about new knowledge resources, collaboration opportunities, upcoming events and more.

     Discussion forum: Engage in discussions with key experts engaged across the YEM Project countries, and beyond topics of thematic relevance.

    E-learning course materials



For Registration and more information: