Bioethics Education Material available in Arabic

Formal Education

Key UNESCO bioethics education material is now translated into Arabic and accessible online on the UNESCO website. This was done as part of the project “Ethics education and knowledge based policy dialogue in the time of climate change in the Arab region” (2019-2021), implemented by UNESCO Offices in Beirut and Cairo. The work has been generously funded by The Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud Foundation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The material includes

These casebooks are part of the Bioethics Core Curriculum (BCC), which was designed based on a global agreement of principles adopted in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005). This 30-hour training course can accommodate different cultural settings, be offered as elective courses, and inspire the development of a full master program in itself. It has been used as one of the parameters in some countries to evaluate ethics teaching in medical schools. In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding can be signed with universities interested in its implementation, with no financial implication, to facilitate the support of and collaboration with UNESCO. To date, it has been implemented by more than 40 universities around the world.