For Instructors: 5 Tips for Better Online Teaching Classes

Formal Education

E-Learning has become a basic feature of our modern era, especially after the digital transformation of the education process as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. E-learning has many Pros like; accessibility, flexibility in time and space, prompt and continuous assessment of learners, ease of keeping educational materials, in addition to maintaining social distancing as one of the responses to the pandemic.

However, many young people reported having learned less since the pandemic began in a report published by ILO. In the Global Survey on Youth and COVID-19 and implemented by partners of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, 51% of young people believe their education will be delayed, and 9% feared their education would suffer and might even fail.

Those results place most of the responsibility for the success of e-learning on instructors to provide a satisfactory and fruitful learning experience for learners, which will compensate them for education in the classroom.

Below are 5 tips for providing the best experience in E-learning.

Humanization the learning process

“In all forms of distance teaching, the ability to humanize the relationship with distant learners is important,” Moore writes in Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning.

Some instructors may focus on delivering the content of the subject. However, it’s more important to focus on the way of teaching and humanize the teaching experience. Think about the different available tools for E-learning. Take some time to try them and find the best tools according to your teaching goals. All that will help you master E-learning and improve your teaching presence.

Creating a community

In a study conducted by the journal of online learning and teaching, students prioritized the role of the instructor in establishing and maintaining a sense of community among the students. The learners need to feel that they belong to a community that compensates for their regular classrooms.

Instructors need to plan some activities outside the class to help their students feel like a community and engage with each other in a non-formal activity, especially for school students who switched their whole learning process to the online form.

Prepare everything

Take time for setting your plan of teaching, material, detailed timeline, assessment, and presentations. Make sure to be ready before your online session and close any program or tab that might interrupt you during the class.

Be familiar with the tools that you will use in the session and try it before the arrival of the students.


Engage your learners in the learning goals, share with them the timeline of the whole class, and make sure they know what is expected from them in the process.

Set your System and define; homework and assessment style, ways of communication, rewards, ways to ask for your support, and feedback. However, Don’t forget to give your learners options and let them share what they prefer.

Quick tips

  • Record your sessions to help those who struggle with their Internet connection
  • Be present with your face; and exaggerate with your facial expressions and body language.
  • Send your learners the whole class materials that you work on during the session.
  • Start with ice-breakers activities to engage the learners.
  • Give breaks for mind reactivating.
  • Allow learners to lead parts of the session.
  • Ask for feedback regularly.
